CFast Data Recovery
Providing Professional Data Recovery Services for CFast Cards
Did your CFast card fail on you? Did you lose access to your precious files? CFast cards often fail due to controller issues. Our certified data recovery engineers are fully equipped with top-of-the-line equipment and state-of-the-art facility that helps all kinds of drives and flash cards. Our CFast Card Data Recovery team thrives on making sure we do everything in our power to find our customer’s data. At Five star Data Recovery, we highly specialize in all flash data recovery services. We offer Chip-Off recoveries as well as Monolith recoveries for failed flash cards.
CFast cards are used when the needs for the project are a much higher capacity and faster speeds than can typically be achieved by standard SD cards. While typical SD cards are adequate for most average users, low-end SD cards leave a lot to be desired for high-end photo and video creative professionals. The advantage of CFast over other memory storage solutions is that it uses the same Serial ATA (or SATA) bus that your PC uses. The original Compact Flash used a Parallel ATA (or PATA) connection, like the one you’d find on computers from the ’90s. The CFast cards can perform data transfers at a speed of about 600 MB/s, the same as a high-end SSD. This makes them ideal for 4K video and other bandwidth heavy applications. Especially when compared to SD cards, which max out at less than half of that speed.
24/7 Customer Service
Utilize our excellent customer service team who is fully knowledgeable and ready to take your call anytime of the day. Our Cfast Card Data Recovery team is available to assist you 24/7/365. We offer free quotes over the phone so give us a call for more informational help regarding your failed CFast Card.
FREE Diagnosis
Bring in your device or CFast Card today! Our team will provide you with a free diagnosis reporting the specific problem with your corrupted CFast Card. Also, our certified professionals will provide you with a FREE price estimate with the cost of the total recovery services.