Clean Room Data Recovery
Providing Professional Clean Room Data Recovery Services
A common misconception about Clean Room Data Recovery is that repairing hard drives means replacing parts. If only it were that easy! Hard drive technology is always changing— manufacturers are constantly using different mechanical designs. The mechanical precision of today’s hard drives makes head assembly replacement nearly impossible without specialized tools. If just one component is out of alignment, the drive will not find the required sectors. Nevertheless, if the hard disk electronics cannot find the sectors requested by the controller, it may endlessly try to find those sectors or it will shut down the unit.
Furthermore, our certified engineers at Five Star Data Recovery are highly trained in any type of clean room data recovery, executing every single job with acute precision using only the highest quality of tools (whether software or hardware) available on the data recovery market. Moreover, no matter what brand, what operating system, or amount of data the drive contains; our professional engineers know exactly what technical steps to take to recover your damaged hard drive. Whether it is platter damage, bad heads, or bad sectors, our team can do it!